Doing this incorrectly may cause Windows or some of its components to stop working properly. This skin requires you to change system files and registry entries. Please keep in mind that windows 7 skin is for windows media player 11 on vista only. Screenshot of windows 7 skin for Windows Media Player 11

The Windows 7 skin is not designed to be a Windows Media Player 12 copy, but rather to make Windows Media Player 11 look like a Windows 7 app. We all expect to personalize and customize Windows Media Player, well then here is Windows 7 skin for Windows Media Player 11 (WMP 11). However Windows Media Player 11 is only available with windows vista only. However due to lack of support to various media format windows media player is rarely used until windows media player 11 which has many promising features and best look and feel.

Windows Media Player is a default media player for windows operating system.