For those curious, I'm using a Trap Team portal that came from the Wii U version of the game, and it's connected to one of the Wii U's front USB ports. SSBB loads fine, and Spyro's Adventure gets to the "wireless portal not detected" screen. I'm using IOS 58 as the loader's IOS and IOS 251 as the game's IOS in the settings for USB Loader GX. I've patched IOS80 using the "Patched IOS80 Installer for vWii", and I've also installed IOS236 using the "IOS236 Installer v8 MOD Special vWii edition" homebrew app if that means anything. I've installed d2x-v10-beta52-vWii on the following: on Wii U vWii, and I'm loading my games on an NTFS-formatted drive I need to use a USB Y-Cable for, taking up both back ports.